My friend Bernard runs one of my favorite tumblelogs, EDC. As the paragraph above explains, it's basically a blog showcasing what people carry, custom gadgets and other utilities submitted by users, along with anything within the EDC realm that the editor deems worth sharing. It's really well-managed and insightful, and Bernard is always willing to answer questions. There's some crazy knives and guns that probably aren't at all practical to most people, but there's also a lot of writing utensils, multi-tools, watches, and flashlights as well. Bernard recently turned me on to the Zebralight SC51 which is everything I could want in a pocket flashlight. I just got the flashlight today, so I figured I'd take a picture of what I carry. The great thing about EDC is that everyone's carry is unique and continuously developing. It sort of reminds me of denim culture, in that what you wear (or in this case, carry) says a lot about who you are as a person; your values, your job, and your daily needs. Here's my pocket dump, keep in mind that it's very much a work in progress:
— Tide to Go pen
— Parker Jotter pen
— Vintage B&L Wayfarers / MS & Co. selvedge sleeve
— Linen handkercheif
— Squad Leader watch
— Tanner Goods natural cardholder
— Rite in the Rain pocket all-weather memo book
— Paracord monkey fist (and my keys)
— Multipurpose pocket survival tool
— Zebralight SC51
— Old LG phone I got for free
— iPod touch
(Taken with my Canon PowerShot S90 which is usually on me as well)
SC51 at it's highest setting |
Very nice, love the selvedge sleeve and the watch. I was going to cop a Timex field watch but I might have to grab one of those Squad Leaders.
Do you carry all of this in some kind of bag or just in your pockets?
Anon - Yeah, usually most of this goes in whatever bag i'm carrying and my jacket pockets. my pants always hold the card holder, multi tool, keys, and phone but everything else depends on what i'm wearing or if i'm carrying a bag.
Edwin - I wear white shirts a lot so yeah, the Tide to Go pen is a lifesaver. I think they have mini pens now which are even more convenient.
BickShmickle - Timex are classic, but the Squad Leader is a bargain and I like that it's unbranded and has just the bare essentials.
Damn you Nicolas, I might just have to pick up that SC51 as my next 1xAA. Can't resist 200 lumens just off a single AA along with clicky. And I thought my NDI was pretty bright at 145 lumens lol.
idk why my comment didnt show earlier
but im glad you are helping bring exposure to edc
nice post, congrats on the zebralight!
Looking at the history of the Jotter Pen (yes, I'm a nerd) and found this picture. I am a retail manager and have had EDC since I was young and question people's motives that don't. Looking hard at the SC51 and the multi-purpose pocket survival tool!
That's a terrific looking strap on the squad leader...what is it?? Thanks...
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